Bang-Bang, and Welcome

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Here is where I document the amazing journey of going from an unknown, unpublished, aspiring writer to being a Number One New York Times Best Selling Author. Here I share everything, what strategies I am using, what works, what doesn’t work, and why. I welcome you to join me, and please let me know what you find useful.

It’s not the destination, it’s the journey.

Ralph Waldo Emerson
New York Times Number One Best Selling Author

What to expect:

  • Strategies – a multiprong approach, from querying literary agents to entering contests, from writing mentorships, writing courses, conference networking, and social media marketing.
  • Tools – that I have picked up to help with story structure, outlining, character description, novel formatting and more.
  • Tips – for writing compelling query letters, strong synopsis and more
  • Resources – writing contests sites, writing mentorships, professional associations and more.
  • Inspiration – looking for inspiration? Here I share where I find it, who I listen to, and the authors I read.

Being a #1 NYT Bestselling Author is the dream of every aspiring writer and I fully believe one should aim high, have a plan, and work the plan.

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