Here is where I document the amazing journey of going from an unknown, unpublished, aspiring writer to being a Number One New York Times Best Selling Author. Here I share everything, what strategies I am using, what works, what doesn’t work, and why. I welcome you to join me, and please let me know what you find useful.
It’s not the destination, it’s the journey.
Ralph Waldo Emerson

What to expect:
- Strategies – a multiprong approach, from querying literary agents to entering contests, from writing mentorships, writing courses, conference networking, and social media marketing.
- Tools – that I have picked up to help with story structure, outlining, character description, novel formatting and more.
- Tips – for writing compelling query letters, strong synopsis and more
- Resources – writing contests sites, writing mentorships, professional associations and more.
- Inspiration – looking for inspiration? Here I share where I find it, who I listen to, and the authors I read.
Being a #1 NYT Bestselling Author is the dream of every aspiring writer and I fully believe one should aim high, have a plan, and work the plan.
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