Crooked Lane Books

  • A Celebration of Reporters in Cozy Mysteries


    When I was eight, I read a book that would dictate the course of my life. That book was Harriet the Spy.ย  As a kid in suburban California, I…

  • In These Novels, Friends Become the Family of Our Hearts


    It never dawned on me how much I use โ€˜friends as familyโ€™ as a trope in what I write. Hindsight is a funny thing. From that first book I…

  • The Most Terrifying Abandoned Train Tunnels in the World


    Iโ€™m often asked, โ€œWhere do you get your ideas?โ€ My answer always varies, as each book is different. But for my latest, Mister Lullaby, the idea was sparked by…

  • Wildlife and Wonderlands in Mysteries


    Iโ€™m a city girl, but I really enjoy reading stories set in state parks and forests and islands and other areas where there is less population, and the environment…

  • The Importance of the Plot Twist


    Who doesnโ€™t love a superbly executed plot twist? One that completely takes you by surprise and turns the story on its head. One that makes you gasp out loud…

  • The Amish Fence


    Youโ€™ve seen the Amish culture in books, movies and even in exaggerated โ€œreality shows.โ€ Without electricity, automobiles, TV, radio or other modern conveniences, the Amish drive horse drawn buggies,…

  • Crafting Creepy Crime Fiction in the Danish Countryside


    So there you are, sitting in a cozy cafรฉ in Odense, the hometown of the great fairytale writer Hans Christian Andersen, enjoying a flaky Danish pastry and a strong…

  • Historical Mysteries Set in Early America


    Iโ€™ve always been passionate about American history, especially the Revolution and founding of the United States. When I think of what immigrants endured just to travel to our shores,…

  • Fictional Versus Real Settings: A Writerโ€™s Dilemma


    Every story has to start somewhere. And be somewhere. Take Dennis Lehaneโ€™s 2003 novel, Mystic River. Its setting is so pivotal to the plot that you can find it…

  • The Bane and Boon of an Unreliable Narrator


    There has long been a discussion of whether or not a reliable narrator in fiction is something that truly exists. Since humans are prone to biases and judgment, a…

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