You have to be able to get from your fingers to the needle to the beads, back along the thread to the needle to the fingers, hands, arms, eyes, mind. And then again. And again. Over and over, one more time. You need to get into a rhythm. All these working parts need to be working. A rhythm. Needle, pick up bead, pull down along thread, check the tension, pull down along thread, pick up a bead.
You have to be able to get from your fingers to the needle to the beads, back along the thread to the needle to the fingers, hands, arms, eyes, mind. And then again. And again. Over and over, one more time. You need to get into a rhythm. All these working parts need to be working. A rhythm. Needle, pick up bead, pull down along thread, check the tension, pull down along thread, pick up a bead.
You have to be able to get from your fingers to the needle to the beads, back along the thread to the needle to the fingers, hands, arms, eyes, mind. And then again. And again. Over and over, one more time. You need to get into a rhythm. All these working parts need to be working. A rhythm. Needle, pick up bead, pull down along thread, check the tension, pull down along thread, pick up a bead.
Blog Six

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