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Here is an overview of my multiprong strategy to becoming a published author and then become a Number One New York Times Best Selling Author. I will be expanding on each of these topics throughout this blog

Querying agents
This assumes one has a completed, polished manuscript. I list more information under resources for how to find literary agents. To be effective, research the agent and tailor the query letter to those agents who are interested in your manuscript genre. Attention to detail is critical. I recommend reading your query letter and synopsis aloud before submitting.

Writing contests
Winning or being a finalist in a writing contest can accelerate your writing career. Such accolades should be added to your bio and included in your query letter. Literary agents prefer to work with award winning authors or finalists in literary competitions.

Another great strategy is to mentor with published authors. Professional writers in your genre can offer suggestions to improve your writing and they can refer you to their agent and publisher. Never underestimate the value of a mentorship.

Writing courses
Did you know that many of the teachers are professional authors? There are many courses available and many are taught by published authors. This is another great way to mentor with a professional, get professional feedback and make contacts in the industry. In addition, many schools and universities offer literary contest that can help you boost your biography and land that agent.

Conference Networking
Annual writer conferences are held in cities around the world and are a great way to meet, and pitch agents and publishers. Some literary agencies only accept queries from authors they have screened at writing conferences. This is another great way to get a leg up on landing a literary agent.

Building social media
Having a large social media presence with a large following can make the difference with a literary agent and publisher because they know the author has a large following. This is why famous personalities often attract large book deals. Those with large followings can easily become a Number One New York Times Best Selling Author.

Speaking engagements
When one lands a literary agent and publisher that is no guarantee of earning revenue. Speaking engagements are another great way to build an audience as well as establish expertise in a particular field. Scared to speak in front of an audience? There are plenty of opportunities with radio shows and podcast where you can talk by telephone or in a small studio. Speaking engagements allow you to reach a wider audience than at a book signing.

And that is my multiprong approach to becoming a published author and a Number One New York Times Best Selling Author. I love to hear what you think and I am always open to hearing about what strategies you have found successful. And if you have become published or are a best selling author, I would love to hear from you. Thank you. This is @HughCrimeWriter.

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