Quick Character Development Hack

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Capricorn Aquarius and Pisces
Image compliments of Horoscope.com

Here’s a quick hack I stumbled on to jump start your character development. Try Horoscope.com to develop your character’s traits. This provides a lot of detailed information and even gives you their birthday range.

Take Capricorn for example. From the initial screen, we get an overview of their basic traits as serious, independent, disciplined and tenacious. Birthdates are from December 22 – January 19.

According to Horoscope.com Capricorn Zodiac Sign Traits:

Smart, hardworking, and fully in control of their destiny, Capricorn signs will always get what they set their mind to, in both personal and professional life—no excuses. Capricorns may get a reputation as stubborn, but they simply know what they want, and also know how they wish other people would behave.

Natural rule-followers, Capricorns thrive on order and love strict rules, hierarchies, and set ways to do things. Can a Capricorn sign think outside the box? Yes, they can, but they prefer when they have strict boundaries to constrain against—free reign can make them feel paralyzed by choice. Capricorns are great at climbing the corporate ladder, and especially adept at making (and investing) money. Capricorns love family, and put a lot of stock in traditions. A Capricorn might stress themselves out trying to do everything perfectly—a Capricorn may feel like they must present a home-cooked meal every day, and would never admit to doing drive-thru or takeout. Capricorns believe presentation is everything, and their homes are usually Insta-worthy. A Capricorn sometimes is overly focused on what things look like, instead of how things feel, which could cause them to feel stifled and unhappy.

Capricorn needs to find a firm sense of self beyond how others perceive them, and recognize that racking up achievements is only one small part of their personality.

Capricorn signs are loyal friends, and have a funny and sly sense of humor when you get to know them—it is fun drawing them out of their shells. In love, Capricorn is a true partner, who is laser-focused on helping their partner find success and happiness. A Capricorn will dive into a relationship like a job, and believes that hard work can help make a bond as strong as possible. While sometimes a romantic conversation may veer toward feeling a bit like a board meeting, especially with action items and improvement plans, but if you roll with it, they have a point: Your bond will be stronger.

Capricorn in Love

Ruled by strict Saturn, Capricorn knows, expects, and even relishes the tough parts of relationships. They are in it for the long haul, and know the best relationships have storms. It’s not as if they are fatalistic—but Capricorn’s love is realistic and they aren’t going to have a rosy view of romance…

There is even more if you really want to do a deep dive, such as who they are most suitable with, etc. Think of the possibilities! One could also imagine combining it with the Chinese Zodiac sign traits by birth year. I have found this helpful and I would love to hear your thoughts. Thank you and thank you Horoscope.com


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