
  • The Best Psychological Thrillers of November 2023


    Itโ€™s about to be the start of the holiday season, and with everyone gearing up to spend as much (or as little) time with family as possible, itโ€™s also…

  • Thereโ€™s Nothing Better Than A Good Bad Guy


    โ€œThe more successful the villain, the more successful the picture.โ€ โ€”Alfred Hitchcock Letโ€™s start with the simple assertion that all great fiction is crime fiction. From classic Greek tragedies…

  • Cozy Mysteries to Add to Your Christmas Stocking


    I donโ€™t know about you, but a fresh set of fleece pajamas and a brand-new novel on Christmas Eve is one of my favorite holiday traditions. ย Throw in a…

  • From Academic to Crime Writer


    โ€œYou canโ€™t be serious.โ€ Twice in my life, academic colleagues and friends have had that reaction when Iโ€™ve told them what I was planning to do. The first time…

  • A List of Jewish Crime Thrillers


    My novel The Great Gimmelmans is about a family of Jewish bank robbers who lose all their money in the Stock Market Crash of 1987 and start robbing banks,…

  • Thrillers Where Natural Disaster Looms Large


    Itโ€™s a perennial question at readings and signings: Where do you get the ideas for your books? I usually mumble something that amounts to (phrased politely), โ€œI pull them…

  • An Argument for the Unintentional Villain


    A good villain is essential to a good mystery. He or she is the author of the crime, the driver of the plot, and the key to solving the…

  • Healing Through Horror


    Oh, the Horror! It doesnโ€™t often come up but when it does, people are often surprised when I tell them I never set out to be a horror writer….

  • Difficult Women In Historical Fiction: A Reading List


    I try to be good but fail every day. My natural state is lazy, self-indulgent, resentful, and dangerously avoidant. The damage Iโ€™ve done in life has mainly come from…

  • The Regency Mystery Arrives to the Ball


    Iโ€™d wager a box of my favorite tea that youโ€™ve heard of Bridgerton by now. Maybe even that itโ€™s that occasionally spicy period drama based upon author Julia Quinnโ€™s…

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