New York

  • The Mystery of Real Estate Porn


    It’s a game in New York and we all play. Everyone talks real estate, how the condo market’s soft, how the rental market’s skyrocketing, how Manhattan’s suddenly affordable but…

  • Mr. Perdy headshot
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    Resource: American Dialect Links


    Today I share another resource. Dialect Guide: American Dialects by Point Park University, a handy site for helping to write authentic dialog. The site is organized by General American,…

  • targets

    First Words Every Day


    “Surprising, exciting and dangerous things happen,” are the first words I write every day. Hugh Addison Not only does this remind me to make sure that I include surprising,…

  • Joined Mystery Writers of America


    It’s official, I am now a member of Mystery Writers of America. I am excited and if you are a mystery writer, I would recommend you consider joining as…

  • Cannes Harbor black and white

    Forgery and Murder from the Riviera


    A new crime thriller by Hugh Addison Synopsis: Dr. Arthur Landan, professor of art history and forensic expert, is tipped off by an FBI witness to the whereabouts of…

  • Excerpt Forgery and Murder from the Riviera


    That’s when I saw the gun. I tried to run but the door was closed. It wouldn’t open. I turned around. I heard the pop-pop. I saw the muzzle…

  • First Draft Completed


    Completed the first draft Forgery and Murder From the Riviera – When a cabin boy is murdered and a Picasso is stolen from a notorious mobster’s yacht, Dr. Landan is…

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